To retrieve a list of all Legislators, click on the underlined title of Assembly Members or Senators.
Additional information regarding the Legislature is also available and includes the following:
The Committee Membership includes not only the Legislators who make up the committee but also the Chair and Vice Chair of the committee, the consultants, committee secretary, meeting room number and phone number.
The Legislative Calendar contains a schedule of key dates and legislative deadlines in chronological order for the current two year session.
The Rules of the Legislature are adopted to govern legislative procedures. Each house has rules governing its own house (Senate Rules and Assembly Rules), and there are joint rules that govern both houses (Joint Rules).
How a Bill Becomes Law is available as either a graphical representation of the legislative process or in text format.
The Glossary of Legislative Terms contains words and phrases common to the legislative process.
To retrieve the above additional information, click on the underlined titles.